Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Another step to make the voter ID suit a moot issue: Star Telegram Editorial
Here is my own opinion:
If you have lived in Texas long enough, you would have realized that the state government under the governorship of Rick Perry is at war with the federal government on several numbers of issues. As at the last count, the Texas Attorney General has sued the Obama Administration on at least 30 times in the last six and half years losing over 85% of  the times , and costing several millions to the Tax payers of Texas. Our governor act and behaves as if Texas is a federal entity by itself, therefore any power not delegated to her is reserved for the federal government. Well, the governor and his Attorney general must understand that the people of this nation overwhelmingly rejected his Texas brand during the last general election, yet the Governor continues to engage in fruitless efforts to undue the Obama Administration. There is no doubt that Texas has lost millions in federal money due her anti federal government stand.

It is no secret in Texas that everything wrong under this current administration is either to be blamed on immigrant from Mexico and Central America or minority groups. Studies have shown that in the next several years the Hispanic population will surpass any other group in Texas. Every discerning mind knows that the recent voter ID law was intended to disenfranchise minority in Texas. There is no evidence that there is a wide spread voter fraud in Texas.  I agree with the editorial that a newly passed laws that authorizes the  Texas Department of Public Safety, and the  Office of the Secretary of State to set up booths to issue Texans voter ID CARDS is another bad prognosis for the wrong sickness. Can anyone imagine how a fully uniformed law enforcement officer with a hat, baton, and a pistol tucked to his waist to be the one issuing ID card to voters? It sounds like something one reads from a Russian Communist Manifesto. Texas government claims to have better answer for everything done by the federal government yet the result continues to prove otherwise. Not too long ago Texas was under a federal oversight of her prison system, some school funding, redistricting, is  among the worst provider of health care to her citizens, one of the worst in high school graduation rate. The cost of obtaining these voter ID cards would be another financial burden on poor people. What forms of ID cards will be required to be provided in other for one to obtain voter the so called voter ID cards. How has a civil duty of registering one now a law enforcement duty? It is not a secret that minority groups distrust law enforcement establishments. How many poor people who may be scare away by the presence of these DPS ID issuing Officers is another issue to be studied. How can they guarantee the Citizens that these officers will not turn these booths into a traffic offense arresting booths­­?  Texas legislators are willing to make funds available for these new booths, extend hours of their operating, but are not will to do such for early voting Texas.  The Federal has already sue Texas for this voter ID law, and there is nothing Rick Perry , and his Attorney General can do to avert face off with the Federal Government except to remove this anti minority  voting laws. For more information read.